Bump Channel
Select a bump channel for all the bumps. Bumps from other servers will show up in this channel.
Last updated
Select a bump channel for all the bumps. Bumps from other servers will show up in this channel.
Last updated
Please note: In the FREE Tier the bot needs a bump channel, if it's not visible and not accessible you are subject to a BumpIt! bot ban. It's only fair to receive other server bumps if you are also sending bumps, otherwise what's the point of trying to promote? Give and take. The bot also needs the following permissions on the bump channel - ViewChannel - SendMessages - EmbedLinks If you have BumpIt Premium for your server it is not a compulsion to have a Bump Channel.
On the setup page of your server you can select the bump channel from the "Bump Channel" dropdown.
Click the reload button near the dropdown if you don't see the channel you want in the dropdown list